Announcements कै. अयोध्याबाई रामनारायणजी तोष्णीवाल राज्यस्तरीय वाद-विवाद स्पर्धा (सन २०२४-२५) ; National Conference on "Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences (RAMS-2025)" National Conference on "Navigating the future: Innovations in library science(NFILS-2025)"

Department of Zoology

Department of Zoology: Study Material

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Sr. No. Class Course/Paper Study material
01 F.Y. B. Sc. -Sem II Paper IV: Developmental Biology Paper IV:
02 S.Y. B. Sc. -Sem IV Paper VIII: Genetic Engineering and Evolution Paper VIII:
03 B.Sc. Physiology and Biochemistry Physiology and Biochemistry
04 B.Sc. Cell Biology and Genetics Cell Biology and Genetics