Announcements कै. अयोध्याबाई रामनारायणजी तोष्णीवाल राज्यस्तरीय वाद-विवाद स्पर्धा (सन २०२४-२५) ; National Conference on "Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences (RAMS-2025)" National Conference on "Navigating the future: Innovations in library science(NFILS-2025)"

Dr. Chavan Radhesham Thavara


Dr. Chavan Radhesham Thavara

Designation Assistant Professor
Department Department of Botany
Mobile +919130009222
Date of Joining 26/11/2013


Sr. No. Name of Degree University Year of Passing Remarks
01. B. Sc. Dr. B.A.M.U.Aurangabad 2006 --
02. M. Sc. (Botany) Dr. B.A.M.U.Aurangabad 2008 --
03. Ph.D. Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded 2012 --

Research area:

Photochemistry and antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants.

  1. Ph.D. dissertation work:


Sr. No. Particulars International National Others
01. Research Papers -- 06 04
02. Abstract 02 04 01
03. Conference Proceedings -- 02 02