Announcements कै. अयोध्याबाई रामनारायणजी तोष्णीवाल राज्यस्तरीय वाद-विवाद स्पर्धा (सन २०२४-२५) ; National Conference on "Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences (RAMS-2025)" National Conference on "Navigating the future: Innovations in library science(NFILS-2025)"

Department of English

Department of English


The department of English has been established in 1995 with the beginning of English as an optional subject offering language and literature as its specialization. It comprises of the three streams/ faculties—Arts, Commerce and Science.

The department is actively engaged in the process of teaching, learning and evaluation since its commencement. It has been and being always striving to increase the level of quality education undertaking various kinds of curricular and co-curricular activities for the students. It believes in high performance and quality standards in pursuing the higher education and often forwarded its steps in this regard. Apart from the regular teaching-learning, it also attempts to impart informal education like inculcating the human values among students.


  • To generate interest in English language and literature & make students job efficient.

"If You Want to Rule the World of Knowledge, You Must Rule the English Languge"


  1. To enhance & foster interest of students in English language & literature.
  2. To make students to be able to stand on their own by acquiring the basic skills of English language.
  3. To make students job efficient & create skills required for employment & make them self-reliable.
  4. To provide platform for students to build their career in English language & creative writing.
  5. To provide information of job opportunities in the field of language & literature.
  6. To contribute in the development of this area by producing potential manpower in the form of students.
  7. To create awareness to preserve endangered dialects of the native language of tribal and other related community in this area.

Courses Offered:

Department offers English as compulsory and optional course for fulfillment of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.).

Co-curricular Activities:

  1. Reading club
  2. Students’ seminar
  3. Wall poster presentation
  4. Creative writing program
  5. One Teacher One Skill Program
  6. Guest Lectures
  7. Group Discussion

Services & Facilities Available :

  1. Well equipped English Language Laboratory
  2. Internet Facility
  3. Adequate Study Material
  4. Practical Demonstrations
  5. Competitive Exam Guidance
  6. Interdisciplinary Course based on Skill development (OTOSP)
  7. Career Guidance & Counseling

Professional Membership:

  1. English Language Teachers' Association of India, Chennai
  2. ELT Weekly
  3. New Voices in Translation Studies
  4. ELT Voices
  5. National Translation Mission, New Delhi,
  6. Translation Studies, Taylor & Francis, London
  7. Research Scholar, Madhya Pradesh
  8. Literary Endeavor, Latur
  9. Journal of Higher Education and Research Society, Navi Mumbai
  10. Contemporary Vibes: A Vortex of Emotions, Chandigarh (Print Journal)
  11. Literary Cognizance (Online Journal, Latur)
  12. Research Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Management (Print Journal, Reva)
  13. Langlit (Online Journal, Latur)


Sr. No. Name Designation Qualification
01. Dr. Gore Rajesh Sakharam Associate Professor & Head M. A., M.Phil., SET, NET, Ph. D.
02. Dr. Sawant Datta Gangadharrao Associate Professor M. A., NET,DBM,PGCTE, Ph.D.