Announcements कै. अयोध्याबाई रामनारायणजी तोष्णीवाल राज्यस्तरीय वाद-विवाद स्पर्धा (सन २०२४-२५) ; National Conference on "Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences (RAMS-2025)" National Conference on "Navigating the future: Innovations in library science(NFILS-2025)"

Online training program on Educational Video Creation (E-content Development)

Submit Information for E-Cerificate
(Mandatory for E-Certificate )
List of Selected Participants(Revised)
Opening Address: Hon'ble Shri S. G. Talnikar, Principal, Toshniwal College, Sengaon Inaugural Video
Date and Time
(Click on the Topic view the Video )
Resource Person
Resource Reference

10:00 hrs onwards

Module 01: Tools: Hard tools and soft tools 1. Introduction to course Dr. D. G. Sawant, Mr. D. W. Patil, Dr. B. B. Ghute FisheriesOnly
2. Basic Equipments Dr. D. G. Sawant LiteratureSimply
3. Advanced equipments for up gradation of video quality Mr. D. W. Patil FisheriesOnly
4. Video editing softwares Dr. B. B. Ghute Geoentire
5. How to shoot a video? a Demo Dr. D. G. Sawant LiteratureSimply

10:00 hrs onwards

Module 02: Video editing 1. Video editing in Kinemaster in mobile Dr. D. G. Sawant LiteratureSimply
2. Video editing in Shotcut software Dr. B. B. Ghute Geoentire
3. Video editing in MOVAVI software Mr. D. W. Patil FisheriesOnly
4. Video editing in Filmora software Mr. S. S. Markad Sarvavid
5. Audio editing in Audacity and Ocenaudiao Mr. D. W. Patil FisheriesOnly
6. Off face video making/ Video making by using ppt Dr. D. G. Sawant LiteratureSimply

10:00 hrs onwards

Module 03: Uploading video on appropriate online media 1. How to make HD Thumbnail? Dr. B. B. Ghute Geoentire
2. How to upload video properly on YouTube Dr. D. G. Sawant LiteratureSimply
3. Our experiences and tips Dr. D. G. Sawant, Mr. D. W. Patil, Dr. B. B. Ghute Geoentire

11:00 hrs onwards

Module 04: Live streaming Live stream (QnA) Dr. D. G. Sawant, Mr. D. W. Patil, Dr. B. B. Ghute, Mr. S. S. Markad LiteratureSimply

14:00 hrs onwards

Module 05: Assignments
(Submission upto 23:59 hrs of 15th May 2020)

Quiz &/or Assignment

  Feedback (13/02/2020 16:00 hrs onwards)      


  • This online training programme is conducted for institutional faculty members and teachers to learn the basics of Educational Video Creation (E-Content development).
  • During the scheduled training, each day link of Module (Topic) will be activated at 10:00 am on college website.
  • After watching all modules you have to submit a quiz and need to share a link of your uploaded (sample) video(s) using Google form.
  • You have to submit the feedback at end of programme.
  • E-certificate will be issued to those who successfully complete the training, submit quiz and feedback.

For information, contact to:

Department of English Department of Fishery Science Department of Geology
Dr. D. G. Sawant : 9130002008 Mr. D. W. Patil : 9890926179 Dr. B. B. Ghute: 8208637389
Mr. R. S. Gore: 9767318101 Mr. S. S. Markad: 9421583693 Dr. U. L. Sahu: 9860406757